Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Prompt Writing - The Harp


     The kits rampaged through the room, bouncing off the walls and ceiling, tallons taking chunks out of anything softer than stone. The bard made a mental note to thank the man who had removed all the furniture. The broods' mother was turning flustered circles in the middle of the room, snarling and barking at the pack with little effect. She was putting dents in the stone and looked ready to put the whole place up in flames if it would only get the young ones' attention. She kept looking at the bard with an exasperated expression he didn't understand. It was making him uncomfortable.

     "Go on, play," said the housekeeper at his elbow.
     The bard looked up at him incredulously. "Wouldn't that be offensive?"
     "No, lad, just play. You'll see."
     He was still less than convinced, but the old man knew best, he supposed.

     The first cord he struck was soft, just in case. It was hardly audible over the din, but the mother heard it and sagged with something very like relief. Carefully noting the lack of flames, the bard struck the instrument again, this time with more feeling. The effect on the room was instantaneous. The brood fell forward over themselves, piling into the middle of the room; the mother instilling the last bit of order with a few well placed cuffs. By the time he had finished the prelude the room was concerningly quiet.
     The bard cleared his throat trying not to focus on the fourteen reptilian eyes staring into his soul.
     "Once there was a great kingdom," He began...

I found that prompt one afternoon while mucking about on Pinterest, and this scene was the result. I have no idea where this is going or where it came from; all I know is I'm probably reusing that bard someplace.

If you don't have a Pinterest already I recommend you look into it. Pinterest is a fantastic resource for writers, not only as place to find inspiration, but as a stashing board for all manner of writing articles and related tumbler posts. Even if you're not a writer I guarantee it has something to entertain you as well, from it's hail storm of geekery to the biggest collection of DIY projects to ever walk the earth. Any way you slice it, the place is a lot of fun.
 Click here for a link to my own Pinterest if you're interested in seeing what it's all about.

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